Friday, June 3, 2016


Floundering in the maze
Where the rats run the race
The exits slammed
The machine programmed
The mind jaded
Images faded

The preoccupied mind
With no elan, no confident smirk
To pinpoint, to find
The corners where the images lurk

Wanting to recover, to rediscover
To uncover the images, to make them hover
To give them a lift, to keep them adrift
To stop them from descending into a rift
A chasm developed from just a little crack
Which deepened as the mind stepped further back

The mind finds an image that survived
Tries to give its all to keep it in the proper light
But a thousand lights arrive from far and wide
A delightful sight becomes blindingly bright
The image recedes in the riot of rays
Visions get flushed by flashes and blinkers
The mind is crazed in the midst of the glaze
But in some corner, the image still lingers