Thursday, April 30, 2015

Comatose in Crisis

The idle idols watch silently from their plaster cast
The images watch unmoved from their frames
Showing no traces of their legendary, unmatched power
Leaving unchecked the mayhem propagated in their name

Pigments on parchment, the scriptures, texts and scrolls
Alleged words of the allegedly divine
Sit still but safe after playing a role
In providing a treasure for manipulative minds

The guardian, the supposedly mightiest of all,
Looks too helpless and weak to stop the blaze
Flocks of the faithful shield him against the squall
Under the dubious cover of mysterious ways

In that hallowed cage of gold, amidst the palaver of praise
A quiet whisper of sense echoes, reverberates
It draws a heavy price, this ultimate vice
As it is construed as a plot for the credence’s demise

Least bothered about what the omnipresence heard or saw
Driven by the greed of expanding their controlled creed
In they draw those who are clutching at straws,
Spread the weed as they prey on those in need

The scriptures survive on the perceived sanctity of their words
Through warmth or force, in voice or in black and white
Induce unnatural instinct in the voluminous herds
To trample outsiders in a show of holy unholy might

The static statues sit on their pedestals,
Serene expressions set in cement or stone,
Assured of their chances of survival
In the tumultuous tussle for the throne