Friday, September 24, 2010

Divided we stand?

Wow… that was one EXPENSIVE roti…it cost them Rs. 15000 and also led to a dog’s conversion into an untouchable (Times of India, Sept. 24th 2010). This decision (the cash fine and the conversion) was taken by a village panchayat after a ‘Rajput’ household complained of their pet dog being fed by a ‘Dalit’ family. ‘Honour(?!) killings’ are also decisions apparently made by village panchayats, though they have denied that they order killing someone. Whatever might be the case, it defies simple logic to comprehend how such killings can ‘safeguard’ someone’s honour. And our education system defines ‘panchayat’ as a group of five elderly, educated and wise persons who can guide people properly and make decisions for their welfare. Some guidance and welfare we’re witnessing here…

'Jats' threaten scattering bovine barricades (cattle, in simple words) all over Delhi on the day of the ‘Wealth Games inauguration, to press for reservation under the OBC category (Times of India, 24th September 2010). 'Gurjars' uproot railway tracks in Rajasthan, demanding reservation in the SC category (May 2008). Tyres etc. burned all over Maharashtra to protest the murder of four members of a ‘Dalit’ family (2006).

Government approves caste census (August-September 2010) in which the populations of different castes will be determined. Differences in caste are really a serious menace, and the netas have come up with a fantastic way of dealing with it. Hats off to them.

Where is the awareness? Yes, people are raising their voices against caste-based atrocities, but why are they not reaching the ears of the concerned people? Paperwork? Headphones with latest Bollywood hit songs ("Sarkar badnaam hui neta tere liye...") playing at full volume? A ‘Light le’ attitude? A lack of understanding of equality? There are solutions other than reservations and factors other than caste which can make it possible to provide the right kind of help to the needy. And considering the praise lavished on India’s education and education system (where they teach concepts like ‘Unity in diversity’ and ‘equality’ since class 4th), this shouldn’t be too difficult to comprehend…

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Playing Games

'There was a person with so much money that he decided to build a bridge out of it. One day, he wanted some money. So, he took some money from the bridge and it collapsed.'

Yeah, we approach the beginning of the 'Wealth Games. An approach ridden with procrastination, security issues, epidemics, child labour issues and what not. Not to mention a few crore bucks going poof somewhere along the way. They tried to build Rome, er... Delhi in a day. It didn't work.

Thankfully, I have no recent memory of news items related to the hydrolysis of the Capital (Sometimes, ignorance is bliss, isn't it?)...

Saturday, September 18, 2010


You put your faith in them without too many a query
And everything’s going smooth and merry
You get extremely inclined towards them
You strongly opine in favour of them
But then they come back to hit you
And then proceed to slit your throat
And as the ground crumbles below your feet,
You notice the dark shadow lurking beneath…

Betrayal… it can transform you from master to slave…
Betrayal… it can get you to dig your own grave…

Be it hatred, greed, miscommunication or lust
Some things stain unity with patches of rust
Imitation forms an impermeable crust,
Which then ruptures to reveal a total lack of trust
Everything becomes desolate
It’s you whom they want to immolate
When the time comes, they shed their masquerade
And the last strands of your faith become frayed…

Betrayal… it can transform you from master to slave…
Betrayal… it can get you to dig your own grave…

Friday, September 3, 2010

Promises, promises

I open my Facebook account and find links to contenders' manifestos dominant among the updates. The printed versions of one or two such manifestos are lying around somewhere on the floor in my room. As I check out some other updates, someone knocks on my door. I open it to find half a dozen people who slip another paper into my hand. The contender steps forward and starts off. "Hello, I am so-and-so standing for the post of so-and-so. My manifesto isn't too long(Yeah, I can see that). I will do this, do that, arrange for an alternative and more efficient system for something, make these provisions available..........last year I held this post, I did this, I did that, I was actively involved in please vote for me and tell your friends as well." Shakes hands.

The campus is under the grip of election fever. Elections. That occasion when the only thing in a contender's mind is that the way to securing a person's vote is through his/her heart (in one particular sense). Yeah, you come up with a huge list of what you intend to do and people in the campus are feeling the necessity of a number of things among those mentioned. If that catches people's eyes and you do end up winning, then you have to make it a point to ensure that it turns out to be more than just another 'plus point' for another election campaign. If it is possible to devote time and effort (and money) in performing research on the people in campus, identifying vote banks and coming up with all sorts of ways for attracting them, then it is definitely worth a try to put in some of that effort into doing something productive.

Election Day coming soon. Time will tell how our 'netas' fare.

P.S. The hostels are littered with manifestos, half of which mention an intention to make the campus litter-free.